Artists Exhibition 2024
Evening light in the pines

Evening light in the pines

Photography ICM, 2024

ICM (or intentional camera movement) is a technique that can be used to add creativity to photography. Slow shutter speeds allow the photographer to add feeling and sense of movement. This picture was taken in a pine forest in Crowthorne (UK) on the site of a derelict transport research centre. The light was beautiful one evening this winter.

Charles Robert Clark

Charles Robert Clark (GB)

Charles studied physics at university and joined the patent profession in 1999. He has always had an interest in art as a creative outlet alongside the day-to-day humdrum of working life. Most recently, photography has captured his imagination.

Works of Charles Robert Clark

Evening light in the pines
Evening light in the pines
Grotta Island
Grotta Island
Jumping Spider
Jumping Spider
Soho colours
Soho colours
Spring Daffs
Spring Daffs