Artists Exhibition 2024
Acinonyx jubatus

Acinonyx jubatus

Photography, 2018

Made in Namibia – N/a’an ku sê wildlife sanctuary

Valérie M.L. Plasman

Valérie M.L. Plasman (BE)

Valerie has been working as a European Patent Attorney at ExxonMobil’s Brussels headquarters for over a decade. After a PhD in Organic Chemistry from the Free University of Brussels and research experience at Solvay, Valerie qualified as a European Patent Attorney in 2009 and joined ExxonMobil in 2011. Outside her professional life, Valerie finds joy and inspiration in travel and photography which form a perfect mix. Whether exploring distant lands or her neighbourhood, there is always something to discover. Her third participation to the EPI Artists Exhibition focuses on close encounters in the African bush and savanna.

Works of Valérie M.L. Plasman

Acinonyx jubatus
Acinonyx jubatus
Crocuta crocuta
Crocuta crocuta
Equus quagga burchellii
Equus quagga burchellii
Giraffa camelopardalis
Giraffa camelopardalis
Gorilla beringei beringei
Gorilla beringei beringei
Loxodonta africana
Loxodonta africana
Loxodonta africana
Loxodonta africana
Pan troglodytes
Pan troglodytes
Panthera leo
Panthera leo
Panthera pardus
Panthera pardus
Syncerus caffer
Syncerus caffer