Artists Exhibition 2024


Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office/European Patent Institute/epi


Bayerstraße 83
80335 Munich

Tel.: +49 89 24 20 52-0
Fax.: +49 89 24 20 52-220

Legal Structure

epi is an international organisation founded on the basis of the European Patent Convention.

Authorised to Represent

Authorised to Represent
epi is represented by the President, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer (see Art 10 Regulation on the establishment of an Institute of professional representatives before the European Patent Office ["Founding Regulation"] and Arts 13-16 By-Laws of the Institute).

President: Francis Leyder
Secretary-General: Olga Sirakova
Treasurer: Peter Thomsen

Limitation of Liability for Hyperlinks

Since we cannot influence the content of linked websites, we exclude liability for external hyperlinks. At the time of linking, we did not have knowledge of any infringements. If we receive knowledge of infringement, the corresponding link will immediately be removed.

Limitation of Liability for Third Party Content

In the absence of knowledge of infringement, we additionally exclude liability for the content of third party contributions on the epi -website, e.g. on the forum. However, we always endeavour to remove any potential infringements on the epi -website immediately after obtaining knowledge thereof.

Limitation of Liability for Own Content

The content of the epi -website is generated with diligence and to the best of our knowledge. We are liable for this information according to general laws. However, we are not obliged to monitor this information, nor to actively seek circumstances indicating illegal activity. Liability for accuracy, timeliness, completeness or quality of the information is therefore excluded to the greatest possible extent. However, we always endeavour to remove any potential infringements on the epi -website immediately after obtaining knowledge thereof.

Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights

Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution, communication to the public or any other use of the content of the epi -website shall require the prior consent of the epi , unless it is legally permitted.

epi Trade Mark

The epi trade mark is recorded in the following registers:


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) 716320
European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) 000000010
German Patent and Trade Mark Office (DPMA) 1108779
Transparency Register ID 443178529894-07